Health & Wellness

2222 Centre Street
W. Roxbury, MA 02132-4097

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For over 100 years Deutsches Altenheim has been committed to caring for our residents and providing the highest quality of care in a safe environment.

Today these values are more critical than ever. We strictly adhere to the standards set by the state and federal government as well as the Center for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) and the MA Department of Public Health (DPH).

Guided by our public health experts, German Centre has enhanced our safety and cleaning standards, and revised all protocols throughout all common areas, staff areas and in resident rooms. We have invested in new battery powered backpack disinfectant spray technologies that allow us to clean more often with greater efficiency and obtain an improved disinfectant coverage.

We will continue to implement new and improved protocols and procedures to ensure a continued focus on the health and safety of all residents, staff, and visitors.

Our goal is to provide the highest possible quality of life for each and every resident. All activities are designed to promote good health through personalized wellness programs. Residents enjoy active, healthy lifestyles, with an emphasis upon nutritious meals, social interaction, and emotional well-being. Programs include individual and group exercise programs focusing on arthritis relief, Tai Chi, stretching and toning, among others.

2222 Centre Street
W. Roxbury, MA 02132-4097